Thursday, 25 August 2016

"A Key to Miracles"

"And when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude; and He was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick" (Matthew 14:14 NKJV).

I truly believe now that one of the keys to miracles is compassion. I have had three incidences just recently where I can testify the power of compassion. 

Firstly it was my neighbors Tibetan Mastiff dog. I believe this is one of the largest dogs in the world. He's a puppy and because his bones were growing too fast, he was in extreme pain and was not able to walk. His owner was suffering with him. Me too when I heard the story. So I told the owner I was going to pray for the dog. Today I saw the dog walking around in perfect health. Hallelujah!

Secondly our Chihuahua doggie Davey was limping and could only walk on three legs. After going to the vet, they gave him inflammatory medication and the medical report was that his hip was constantly dislocating out of the socket. My thoughts were: no hope for this dog and why giving him medication after all? So I prayed for Davey for about 2 weeks until I saw him walking perfectly normally again! Hallelujah!

Thirdly I had blood in my urine one morning and felt I might have a urinary tract infection. I went to the doctor and they confirmed it and prescribed antibiotics. I prayed to God and felt I should not take the medication as He wanted to heal me. After a few days I got an unexpected phone call from the doctors office telling me that they had sent my urine in for further testing and it came back negative. I did not have a urinary tract infection. Hallelujah! I am so glad I listened to the Lord and did not take the antibiotics after all.

I believe when human reasoning, human ideas or even human power seizes and our only hope is in God, that's when faith is activated through compassion and the miracles from God begin to manifest.

Please be encouraged by these 3 testimonies knowing that our God is HUGE and He never fails us nor forsakes us. He still sits on the throne and wants to minister to a hurting and sick world through YOU.

Much love,