
This has truly been and still is a great opportunity to bring a word of encouragement to the people of Ottumwa. Since the beginning of 2009 I am able to broadcast twice a day, five times a week on the local radio station 1240 KBIZ here in Ottumwa a message of hope. You can listen to these radio devotionals at about 8:20 am and 3:45 pm here or listen to the longer version here.

Listen to the Radio Interview on the Swiss Radio Station Radio Tell in 
Swiss German that was recorded and broadcasted in February 2014. 

I was interviewed on my immigration to the US in 2008 and how my life looks like. Please click here

 In the course of this broadcast ministry I have published my first book. Volume 1 is now available on Amazon, at the local Christian Book & Gift Shoppe here in Ottumwa and the Dutchman Store in Cantrill. If you would like to order a hand-signed copy, you can of course also order yours directly and receive a 10% discount: suzanne@newheart.ws. The devotionals are also available in German. You can subscribe through Follow Him International. Read the book reviews on Amazon.

In collaboration with other Ottumwa churches, the First Penn women's ministry hosted the 8th Annual Daughters of the King Women’s Conference on Sat., March 9, 2013. This year’s theme was “Friendship”. Alongside Miriam Pope from Ireland and Dizzy the Clown I was able to speak about the importance of friendship in the Body of Christ. You can listen to the message here.

Daughters of the King Conference of March 8, 2014 can be listened to here.

Watch and listen to some messages I uploaded on Youtube by clicking on this link: https://www.youtube.com/user/suzannenewheart.

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