Monday 19 May 2014

"I Cover Up Your Mistakes"

“And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness”(2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV).

Something really silly happened to me a few weeks ago. We had just come home from a trip and as I emptied my suitcase I also placed my new travel laptop on our bed that was raised quite a bit from the ground. Unfortunately I was careless and so my laptop slid and very quickly fell onto the wooden floor. I knew right away that something was broken.

I could hardly believe that such a thing had happened to me. In that very moment I regretted my clumsiness so much and I sighed to the Lord. You know, my husband had told me over and over again to take better care of my belongings. On top of my shame and grief, my mistake cost us a couple of hundred dollars and with a heavy heart we had to decide against a repair.

A few days later we received an unexpected phone call from the repair center telling us that the repair had been done and we could pick up my laptop. At first we were puzzled but were soon enough told that supervisor had authorized the repair and had asked the manufacturer to waive the costs on our behalf. You can imagine how light hearted especially I felt and I immediately said to my husband “Let’s pray together and thank the Lord for His intervention”.

What a precious grace came down that day from heaven and it is available to you too. It’s a free gift from your Heavenly Father with the purpose that your love, joy and thankfulness would grow strong and firm in Him. You will deeply experience this precious gift of grace in your weakness when God becomes your sole source of strength and hope.

Have a wonderfully blessed day!

Suzanne Tanner

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