I prefer to stay in the right lane when I am on the highway because for me the left lanes are reserved to overtake cars.
On our way to our training my co-worker who was driving with me told me that her GPS suggested we take a left in a few miles. In anticipation of that upcoming turn I decided move over to the left lane. As I continued to head in that direction three of our co-workers passed by us in 2 cars. Like us they were heading out to the training site with the exception that they took a right and not a left at the next intersection.
Now I had a dilemma. I had to very quickly decide who I was going to follow: my co-worker's GPS or the co-workers ahead of us.
I made a choice, took a right and followed our co-workers. My thought was that staying together was far better than to be separated even if one of us would evidently be wrong. Well, we came to find out very soon that my co-worker and I we were mislead.
I learned a good lesson that day: to always do what is right and follow your inner convictions even if you face opposition. It is not the voice of reason you need to follow but the Lords still voice. With this compass in your heart you will always be safe, secure and on the road that leads to life, liberty and happiness.
Much love,
-Suzanne Tanner
"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me" (John 10:27 NKJV).
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