Sunday, 7 September 2014

"Be an Originator"

“I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong” (Romans 1:11 NIV).

I work as an on-call classroom teacher at a daycare center here in town. One of the many things I get to do is to teach small children the alphabet. They use colorful foam mats that look like puzzle pieces which they attach together to help them eventually form a word.

One day as I was watching these kids playing with these foam mats I yearned for them to know that they were children of the King of Kings. So to make this project a little bit more adventurous and playful for them I took these elements and showed them how with only 6 mats they could make a cube. Then I took one mat out which left a space and placed it on their little heads telling them that this was their crown and that they were all princes and princesses. I guess they thought this was a great new idea and so they ran around in the whole classroom showing off their crowns.

Many months later as I was working again in this same classroom, I was amazed to see that they were wearing their crowns. They took what I had showed them, put their crowns together all by themselves and had even shown others how to do it.

In that moment my heart was so glad. I never thought that they would take this idea and reproduce it. I had originated something in them and left an inheritance behind in their precious lives. Believe me, you can do that too! You can originate things and impart it to others. All you need is the love for others like the Apostle Paul had for his beloved churches. Then let the LORD direct your imagination.

I tell you, as you see it being reproduced in others your confidence will grow strong. You will know that you have been called to be an originator, one of the many wonderful characteristics of the creator of all things, your heavenly Father.

Have a wonderfully blessed day!

Suzanne Tanner

My husband's first poetry book is out. You can check it out and buy it here: From Pain to Poetry - The Tear Field Years.

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