Sunday 9 March 2014

'Let My Voice be Familiar to You"

“’Lord if it’s you,’ Peter replied ‘tell me to come on the water.’ ‘Come,’ he said” (Matthew 14:28 NIV). 

I was thinking that day that a voice truly becomes familiar to us by deeply knowing and experiencing the heart of a person. But let me share with you here exactly what I mean. 

A few days ago I tried to call a good friend of mine. He was not available at that very moment, so I listened to his voice mail. As I was listening to his voice, my thoughts traveled back in time and I realized that I had known him for 15 years, and that was indeed a long time. How comforting it was for me to know that his gentle and loving voice still sounded the same. I thought about how his voice was so familiar to me, and although I hadn’t seen him for a while, his voice was still the same. His voice hadn’t changed in all these years. I was so thankful that day because just by hearing his voice, it felt like a resting place for me. 

Before calling my friend that day I had spoken to another person who I had worked for some years ago and who I had known for about 10 years. When I listened to his voice I thought it was not at all familiar to me, and I concluded that we hadn’t had this deep heart-to-heart relationship in all this years.
I think this was the same that Peter had experienced. Although in that story in Matthew the disciples were terrified because Jesus was all of a sudden walking on water and they thought it was a ghost, Peter knew the voice of the Lord. It was a familiar one to him and as he heard Jesus saying to him, “Come,” he trusted that voice immediately and so he did something unthinkable to him and to the rest of us. He walked on water just because he trusted that familiar voice of love and truth that came from the King of Kings.

This is the core of the Christian Life: being familiar deep down inside of the unique voice of the LORD. As you hear His voice and know without a shadow of doubt it is Him that is speaking to you, you will indeed step out of your own boat, your comfort zone, and begin to walk on the water. This is when all your limitations and fears will be put aside at once. I tell you, it’s a great adventure and only a few get to experience it. Will you dare to be one of them?

Have a wonderfully blessed day! 

Suzanne Tanner

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