Sunday 1 April 2012

"How to Get Your Spiritual Metabolism Going"

“In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly” (Psalm 5:3 NIV)

What a blessing it was that we came across this very pleasant and nice Christian realtor that took us on a 3 hour tour to see some houses we were interested in. In the car we not only spoke about houses but also of Jesus, our families and some really valuable things in life. One of the things she shared with us was how to eat healthy. Something she said really impacted me: “If you are not hungry in the morning it is an indication that you didn’t eat properly the evening before.” She also said that to get our metabolism going, breakfast would definitely be the most important meal to start the day with.

A day later as I was praying in the morning at the poolside of the hotel, and as I was reading my Bible, the Lord showed me that what I was doing was like eating a healthy, nutritious breakfast. I tell you, my day was just not the same. I was encouraged, I had joy in my heart, I believed that this was definitely going to be a great day and above all the Lord blessed me with a personal word for me.

This is what it means to get your spiritual metabolism going: paving a productive day by meeting with the Lord first thing. You will walk in more faith and discernment, you will face situations with more wisdom and joy, and you will prepare already today your tomorrows hunger for God!

Have a wonderfully blessed day!

Suzanne Tanner

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