Sunday 11 September 2011

"Wait on Me"

“Martha, Martha, the Lord answered, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken away from her" (Luke 10:41-42).

If you get a chance to go to our park in Ottumwa, do it! It’s such an interesting site and the Lord very often speaks to me through His creation.

Recently I went for a walk and I observed some animals. There were many squirrels and geese and one day also a multitude of pelicans. As I stopped and pondered about this wildlife, the Lord showed me something interesting. These animals eat, rest and fly. Squirrels for example jump around and it seems that they are really enjoying their day! Nothing more they seem to do than fly, eat, rest and jump.

And then I thought about this verse above. Jesus praises Mary for sitting at his feet and listening to him. She is doing nothing more than that. She is actually doing far less than her sister Martha. But with much activity there also come a lot of worries. What was it that could not be taken away from Mary? It was the loving words of Jesus, the fellowship with Him, His instruction and His awesome presence. There is so much richness in just listening to the Lord. We easily get distracted don’t we, when we are so busy with many things.

So look at the squirrels and the geese next time you go to the park and rest assured, that he wants this same rest for you. He wants you to rejoice and be glad all the days of your life. This happiness will come when you rest in Him and hear His voice. Then equipped with His very words you will be ready for the day.

Have a wonderfully blessed day!

Suzanne Tanner


  1. I've always loved the story of Mary and Martha...I believe they both loved the Lord but one was more concerned about sitting at His feet when the other allowed life things to keep her busy..and at time we are the same way...we have to begin to sit at His feet first before we allow life cares get to us first..AMEN

  2. There have been times where I have to stop what I am doing and rest in Him, and say to myself, what I need to do can wait, my time with the Lord is more important.
    I too love the story of Mary and Martha!

  3. Thank you Desiray for your edifying comment. Makes me think that we need to do that all the time: to edify each other, to edify the Body of Christ. I appreciate you and thank you for taking the time to complement this post. God bless.

  4. Thank you Yvette for the time you took to write about your heart. I appreciate you very much and thank you for contibuting for the benefit of all. Blessings to you too.
