Sunday 20 September 2009

“We Belong To Each Other”

“Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others” (Romans 12:4-5 NIV).

For a long time we wanted to renovate our dining room and so one day we had a Christian friend coming over to remodel the ceiling. He is a craftsman that works very structured and proper. So he sealed off all the doors with a plastic covering because he wanted the rest of the house to be protected from the dirt and dust that would derive from the room he was working in. The plastic covering he put up was blurred and so I couldn’t exactly see him. I could hear him though, I could talk to him and I could even stand before him. But I have to tell you, this plastic wall brought such a separation to us. It was awkward and there was nothing I could do. I had to endure this separation. From my perspective he was isolated and separated from us. One evening however when he finished part of his work, he tore down the plastic covering and stepped out into our sitting room. There he was, our brother in Christ! The separation and isolation was no longer there and finally we were able to talk to him face to face again and enjoy our sweet fellowship.

You know, we are definitely not called to be isolated and separated from each other. No we are called to belong to each other. That’s where the power lies and that’s were the blessing is found. Imagine for a moment, that you could let down your walls and take all your masks off and for once be yourself! It’s possible and it is available to you. I pray that you would dare to step out of your isolation today and step into the blessing that is found in the fellowship of brothers and sisters in Christ.

Have a wonderfully blessed day!

Suzanne Tanner

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